This Monster Easy JRS is a junior ski to help the junior skiers get grips with the basic techniques of skiing as it is easy to manoeuvre and lightweight. We don't believe it's only suitable for 'boys', any child wanting a funky looking ski will feel at home on these.
Head say - The Monster Easy JRS gives boys control, stability and a friendly flex all in a cool, monster package. HEAD's Junior Easy technology means the ski, binding and plate work together to create a soft flexing ski, allowing the ski to arc a turn with less energy. As a bonus, the skis are light to carry and the bindings are a cinch to enter and exit. Big adventure seekers will tire less quickly so they'll have more energy to explore the mountain.
Jr. Power Frame
ERA 2.0
E Base black
Structured Surface
Junior Rocker
Plate: JRS Base
Weight without binding: 1920g @ Length: 127*